Pecan Spray Schedule: Dormant Season: Apply Hi-Yield Dormant Oil to prevent scale and phylloxera. Spray trunks and branches thoroughly. Budbreak: Apply Hi-Yield Zinc Sulfate as…
Pecan Spray Schedule: Dormant Season: Apply Hi-Yield Dormant Oil to prevent scale and phylloxera. Spray trunks and branches thoroughly. Budbreak: Apply Hi-Yield Zinc Sulfate as…
This guide is written to help you, the homeowner, grow your very own fruit trees and berries from initial transplant stages to maturity and harvest…
VEGETABLE PLANTING GUIDE FOR NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS Vegetable Type Planting Depth (inches) Inches between rows Avg Crop Height (Feet) Spring Planting Dates Fall Planting Dates…
Materials for a 4’ x 8′ prepared and raised bed for flowers, vegetables, and other beautiful plants: 20 Cinder blocks (8″ x 8” x 16″)…
Need: Rich, well-drained soil–Covington’s Soil Builder w/Shale Asparagus crowns Ferti-lome Gardener’s Special (11-15-11) Hi-Yield Ammonium Sulfate (21-0-0) A few basic facts about asparagus: • An…
Need: Rich, well drained soil-Covington’s Soil Builder w/Shale Seed Potatoes Ferti-lome Gardener’s Special (11-15-11) or Dusting Sulfur – for dusting cut potatoes Organic – Happy…
Need: Rich, well-drained soil–Covington’s Soil Builder w/shale Onion sets and/or leeks Hi-Yield Ammonium Sulfate (21-0-0) and Ferti-lome Gardener’s Special (11-15-11) OR For Organic Gardens: Hi-Yield…
Secret Soil Recipe for Great Tomatoes in Your Garden (Works great for Peppers, Eggplant and Potatoes too!) Based on a raised bed with 4 ft.…
A vegetable garden can be one of the most rewarding landscape projects you’ve ever taken on! More and more people are taking an interest in…
Enjoying the Second Season in North Texas What is the Fall Garden, and Why Plant One? As summer rolls in, it’s time in…
Attracting Pollinators in the Dallas Area by Roseann Ferguson, DCMG Major pollinators: bees, butterflies, moths, birds, bats, beetles, other insects Importance of…
Click here to download the butterfly pdf.
HERBS Citronella (Geranium) – Sun Lemon Grass – Sun to Part-Shade Rosemary – Sun Lavender – Sun
Flowers are a beautiful and natural way to attract hummingbirds. Here are some plants (listed by common name) you can plant to get the hummingbirds…
Deer Resistant Plants We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are few, if any, plants that can be called truly deer…
As the name suggests, these plants are the ones that attract mature butterflies to feed on nectar, which is their primary source of food in…
Butterflies are attracted by certain, specific plants. Two kinds of plants… host plants that they lay eggs on, and nectar-producing plants that the adult butterflies…
This is a Great Time to Plant! PLANT: • Trees and shrubs so they will be established by summer. Avoid planting cold-tender plants such as:…
PLANT: • Trees and shrubs so they will be well established by summer. Avoid planting cold-tender plants such as: gardenia, oleander, pittosporum and palms. Transplant…
This is a Great Time to Plant! PLANT: Trees, shrubs, ornamental grasses, etc. now so they can get well established by next summer’s heat. Annuals…
Fall Is The BEST Time to Plant! PLANT: • Trees, shrubs, vines, ornamental grass, etc. now so they can get well established by next summer’s…
There are measures you can take to reduce damage brought on by winter freezes. First, make sure to keep plenty of frost cloth on hand…
Fall is the BEST time to Plant! PLANT: Annuals & Perennials-Pansies, violas, ornamental cabbage/kale, cyclamen, mums, snapdragons, crotons, ornamental peppers, dianthus, salvia, gaura, coreopsis, asters,…
FOR SPRING COLOR, BULBS MUST BE PLANTED IN THE FALL Nothing is more satisfying than planting dormant brown bulbs in autumn and seeing them emerge…
Congratulations on the purchase of your new tree! Your new plants will need extra care for the first two years while they are establishing healthy…
PLANT: Annuals & Perennials- Fall petunias, mums, asters, snapdragons, crotons, ornamental peppers, marigolds, purple fountain grass, salvias, rudbeckia, coneflowers, coreopsis, sedum, coral bells, and more.…
RAISED BED PREPARATION FOR ACID LOVING ORNAMENTAL PLANTS AND EDIBLES Plants that thrive in acidic soils but can be grown successfully in North Texas…
PREPARING YOUR SOIL FOR SUCCESS Healthy soil that sustains a wide variety of ornamental, edible and shade giving plants in our North Texas home…
HOW TO MAKE COMPOST COMPOSTING Composting is a technique used to accelerate the natural decay process. The technique converts organic wastes to a mulch which…
Alfalfa Meal – Provides many nutritional benefits not only for plant use, but for soil organisms as well. One very important ingredient is tricontanol, a…
We have greatly improved on our Covington’s Potting Soil to help our customers have even greater success. The new Covington’s Potting Soil will include: Peat…
Covington’s Premium Soil Builder is the perfect soil additive for planting trees and shrubs for our metroplex clay soils. Soil Builder is based off of…
For example: Bedding Plants, Shade Perennials, Althea