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Covington’s can keep your yard looking healthy and beautiful!

Annual Lawn Care Program
The Annual Lawn Care Program includes spot treatment of weeds with every visit and free service calls.
Early Spring Treatment – $97 for average* sized lawn
The first pre-emergent application of the year to stop annual grassy weeds before they have a chance to come up in your lawn.
Spring Treatment – $194 for average* sized lawn
A second pre-emergent application to prevent annual weeds well into the fall. Also, a fertilizer application to green up your lawn quickly.
Summer Treatment – $97 for average* sized lawn
A slow-release fertilizer application and chinch bug & grub control to keep your lawn as healthy as possible through the stressful summer.
Fall Treatment – $194 for average* sized lawn
A third pre-emergent application to continue to prevent annual weeds through fall and winter.
Also includes another fertilizer application to rejuvenate the lawn following the hot summer.
Winterizer Treatment – $194 for average* sized lawn
Strengthens the turf root system to help prepare for winter, resulting in the best possible lawn next spring.
Additional Lawn Treatment
Fungicide – $194 for average* sized lawn
Helps stop and prevent Take-All Patch, Brown Patch, and other fungal diseases.
Fire Ant Control – $194 for average* sized lawn
Just one application per year provides up to 95% control of fire ants.
Clay Soil Sulphur Treatment – $97 for average* sized lawn
Adds sulphur to lower your soil pH and unlock valuable nutrients and micro nutrients normally inaccessible in our clay soil. The result is a much darker green lawn.
Chinch Bug & Grub Control – $97 for average* sized lawn
A systemic insecticide to prevent chinch bugs and grubs from damaging your lawn. Provides long lasting control.
Soil Surfactant – $194 for average* sized lawn
Quickly promotes the recovery of drought-stressed lawns by improving the ability of water to penetrate into the root zone.

Tree & Shrub Services
Starting at $75. Prices are determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the size and number of plants and trees involved, and the conditions being treated.
Deep Root Feeding
Fertilizes trees and shrubs by injecting a slow-release liquid fertilizer directly into the root zone. Great for young trees in the lawn.
Control Soil Drench
A systemic insecticide in the spring to keep most feeding insects off your landscape plants r the entire year. Great for preventing scale, aphids and thrips.
Granular Fertilization
Covington’s own 12-6-6 fertilizer to maintain great plant health year-round. The same fertilizer we regularly use on our own nursery stock.
Flower & Shrub
Bed Pre-Emergent Pre-emergent treatments to your landscape beds in the spring and fall will reduce the amount of annual weeds in your landscape up to 85%.
Disease Application
Keeps feeding insects and fungal diseases from damaging your landscape plants.
*All price estimates are based on a 4,000-5,000 sq ft lawn
Call us today for your free lawn and garden evaluation and care proposal.
(972) 475 – 5888 ext. 200