Jason’s Plant Pick of the Week – Frostbite Agave

Jason likes to take life easy, which is why the low maintenance Frostbite Agave is his pick for Plant of the Week. This compact member of the succulent family can grow up to 24” tall by 40” wide, and works great in landscapes and containers, but is perfectly suited for your Xeriscape (a landscape requiring little or no irrigation or upkeep).
Like all agaves, Frostbite requires very infrequent watering once established, and, other than occasional trimming of dead leaves, needs no maintenance. If you are planting in a more traditional garden, be sure it has really good drainage and is near plants with similar water needs, as too much water is bad for the health of an agave. This particular variety is cold-hardy to 10 to 20 degrees and is deer and rabbit resistant, so it’s a great fit for your North Texas landscape!
See this and lots of other drought-tolerant plants at the nursery, and if you’re interested in water-wise landscaping, come to our free class this Saturday, August 24th at 1 pm: Adventures in Xeriscaping. Call 972-475-5888 Ext. 2 to sign up.  Find great info on succulent varieties here. You can also check our online inventory for prices, sizes, and quantities.