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Sweet Madame Blue™ Floribunda Rose

Rosa cv. 'WEKwibscryper' PP34232

This item is currently Out of Stock in all sizes/configurations.
This item is currently Out of Stock in all sizes/configurations.

This jewel doesn’t follow the rules of other roses in this color class, as the blooms don’t fry in the hot, summer sun. These lavender beauties steadfastly hold their color, even as they fully open to reveal a magenta-flushed heart. Generally borne in small clusters of 2 to 7, the fully double, rounded blooms make excellent cut flowers, perfuming the air with a delightful fragrance wherever they’ve displayed. Rounded, bushy plants have proven to be highly tolerant to both rust and powdery mildew.

  • 3-4' tall x 3-4' wide
  • Full sun
  • Zone 5 / Hardy to -10°F