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Mellow Yellow Hybrid Tea Rose
Rosa cv. WEKosomit PP14401
This item is currently Out of Stock in all sizes/configurations.
Quite rightly…it’s the mellowest of yellows…perfectly pure clean & clear. So if you’re ‘mad about saffron’ or lookin’ for that ‘eee..lek..trical banana’, then this is not your color. Our yellerific Hybrid Tea holds its hues until the petals fall. Lots of big blossoms come on long cutting stems from the easy-to-grow naturally vigorous plant. Deep green clean leaves. Larger flower size in cooler weather.
Class: Hybrid Tea
Flower Size: Very large, up to 5 inch diameter
Petal Count: 30 to 35
- 4-5' tall x 4-5' wide
- Full sun
- Zone 5 / Hardy to -10°F