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Home RunĀ® Shrub Rose

Rosa cv. WEKcisbako PP18552

This item is currently Out of Stock in all sizes/configurations.
This item is currently Out of Stock in all sizes/configurations.

This flame-red offspring of the famous Knock Out kicks the competition up a notch when it comes to disease resistance. Home Run has a phenomenal fortitude against the dreaded black spot (like its father). But, unlike Dad, it is also completely resistanto powdery mildew and has a higher level of tolerance to downy mildew as well. Rounded, bushy, fast-to-flower and nearly always in color. A grand slam in both the landscape and a container. Coast to coastā€¦it’s the cleanest. Deepest red in cool temps.

Class: Shrub

Flower Size: Medium, around 3 inches in diameter

Petal Count: 5

  • 3' tall x 3-4' wide
  • Full sun
  • Zone 5 / Hardy to -10Ā°F