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Frida Kahlo Floribunda Rose

Rosa cv. WEKcifrabaun PP29878

This item is currently Out of Stock in all sizes/configurations.
This item is currently Out of Stock in all sizes/configurations.

As an emblematic artist of Mexico, world-acclaimed painter Frida Kahlo needs no further introduction. She once said “I paint flowers so they will not die.” Like the flowers she immortalized in her art, the rose Frida Kahlo is a lively and colorful reminder of her enduring spirit. Just as Frida is one of the most recognizable artists for her unique style, the scarlet red and gold striped flowers of Frida Kahlo are also one of a kind in the rose world. The swirl of colors intensifies as the flowers age, adding a red blush as the final touch. Like any painting needs a good stand, the flowers are set in small clusters on a healthy disease resistant plant with clean glossy leaves.

Class: Floribunda

Flower Size: Medium-large, around 3-4 inch diameter, in small clusters

Petal Count: 25 to 40

  • 3-4' tall x 3-4' wide
  • Full sun
  • Zone 5 / Hardy to -10°F