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Boulevard® Olympia™ Clematis

Clematis 'Evipo099' PPAF

This item is currently Out of Stock in all sizes/configurations.
This item is currently Out of Stock in all sizes/configurations.

Compact and quite a bloomer this is a free-flowering Clematis that is ideal for patio gardens. Olympia™ features purple blooms with faint magenta bars and creamy yellow anthers. A unique feature to point out is that Clematis OLYMPIA™ produces flowefrom not only the end of the stems but also from the leaf axils. The result of this great feature is… more blooms! Standing only 3-5 feet tall Clematis in the Boulevard® series are perfect patio size plants.

  • 3-5' vining
  • Part shade to shade
  • Zone 4 / Hardy to -20ÂşF