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AGLAONEMA silver bay

Chinese Evergreen 'Silver Bay'

Aglaoema 'Silver Bay'


SKU: 300818
1 in stock


SKU: 300391
1 in stock


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Aglaonema Silver Bay is a captivating and popular houseplant known for its stunning silver-green foliage and low-maintenance nature. This Aglaonema variety features large, lance-shaped leaves with a silver sheen and dark green veins. The leaves have a glossy texture and a slightly pointed tip, adding to its visual appeal. Silver Bay is an adaptable plant that thrives in a variety of light conditions, from low to bright indirect light. It is also tolerant of irregular watering, making it a forgiving choice for beginner plant enthusiasts. With its elegant and striking foliage, Aglaonema Silver Bay adds a touch of sophistication and natural beauty to any indoor space.

  • 2-3' tall
  • Low Light