Psst! Hey you….. no not you….. YEW! Yeah….. YEW! We’re talking about Yews, Lynne’s Plant Pick of the Week. If you’ve got a shady area and need texture, this is the family of plants for you! There are groundcover yews, (like Emerald Spreader and Plum Spreading), shrubby (like Pringle’s Dwarf and Densiformis), upright (like Hicks and Upright Plum), and even screen (Japanese). Most yews are evergreen, and they like to be watered regularly, but need well-draining soil; if you live in North Texas amend your clay. Don’t let their slow growth rate deter you, though. These beauties brighten up any shady spot with emerald greens and gorgeous textures. Pair them with ferns, hostas and coral bells for a stunning low-light display. Let Lynne show YEW around, or find them here in our Online Marketplace!
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