Top Ten Continuously Blooming Annual Flowers Specifically For North Texas
Join host Ryan Covington and flower expert Tami Rupert at Covington’s Nursery as they share their Top 10 picks for annual flowers that can not only take our brutal Texas summer heat, but that are all but guaranteed to bloom continuously from Spring right on through until winter!
While any of these flowers would look great in pots, they are all especially good choices for in ground plantings, or anywhere steady blooms are desired but constantly swapping out plants would be a tedious hassle.
Plant these flowers once and —with minimal care and maintenance— you should be set until our first winter chill!
Let’s Grow Together!
Keywords: Best flowers for Texas, flowers that survive Texas heat, garden flowers that bloom all year, zinnias, angelonia, summer snap dragons, pentas, impatents, supertunias, allysum, vinca, green leaf begonias, scaevola, fan flower, lantana, coleus, heuchera, coral bell.