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Cutting Back Plants for Winter


Ryan Covington and Nathan Dunham take us though when and how to cut back your plants in the winter. This will explain in detail the correct way to get your landscape looking best in Spring. This applies to annuals, perennials (plants that come back), and ornamental trees.

We will cover grasses, elephant ears, (not) crape myrtles, roses, hydrangeas, salvia, and more. Follow these tips to ensure the best results come Spring!

Let’s Grow Together!

Keywords: Pruning Landscape, Gardening, Winter Gardens, Pruning, Texas Gardeners, Garden Tips, Garden Inspiration, Gardening Tips, Covington Nursery, Covingtons

In This Episode


Let’s Grow Together

Let’s Grow Together

Let’s Grow Together

Let’s Grow Together

Let’s Grow Together

Let’s Grow Together