This workshop is full but we are keeping a waiting list in case of cancellations. Please call to get on the waiting list, or if your kids are signed up and can no longer attend, please call us asap to cancel so we may confirm kids on the waiting list.
Kids (age 5-12) will paint pie pumpkins to be entered in Covington’s Painted Pumpkin Contest. Pumpkins will be displayed, by age category, for voting at Covington’s Fall Festival on Saturday, Oct. 13th when the winners are announced, then kids can take their pumpkins home. All supplies will be provided.
Workshop is free, but registration is required and space is limited to 30 participants so call us at (972) 475-5888 Ext. 2 to sign up today.
For details on all of our scheduled Classes, Workshops, and Events this Fall, see our Featured Events & Classes.