We may not be in California, but Kelby is feeling sunny and bright, just like these Meyer Lemon trees, his Plant Pick of the Week. These delightful citrus trees are a double whammy of exceptionally fragrant blooms followed by sweet and juicy lemons that are sweeter and less tart than regular ones. The delicate little flowers wow the eyes and the scent fills up the entire greenhouse! They’re self-fertile and very productive, keeping you awash in Arnold Palmers and lemon bars from late winter through spring. Like most citrus trees, Meyer Lemon trees aren’t cold hardy for our zone, so plant them in a pot and bring them in for the winter, giving them a sunny home near a window. They’ll mature at 6′ to 10′ tall, and can be shrubby or tree-form. Come see and smell these Blooming Beauties in person, and dream about lemonade and warmer temps, or check our online inventory here.
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