Flowers are a beautiful and natural way to attract hummingbirds. Here are some plants (listed by common name) you can plant to get the hummingbirds coming to your garden.
Agastache | Desert Willow | Pincushion Flower |
Aloe Vera | Esperanza | Pineapple Sage |
Althea-Rose of Sharon | Firebush | Plumbago |
Autumn Sage (Salvia Greggii) | Flame Acanthus | Pomegranate |
Azalea | Foxglove | Pride of Barbados |
Beard Tongue | Fuchsia | Red Hot Poker |
Bee Balm (Monarda) | Gayfeather | Red Yucca |
Bottlebrush | Hibiscus (Hardy/Tropical) | Rockrose |
Bougainvillea | Honeysuckle | Sages & Salvias (various) |
Butterfly Bush | Hosta | Sedum |
Butterfly Weed | Hummingbird Bush | Shrimp Plant |
Candy Corn Vine | Impatiens | Skullcap |
Cannas | Lantana | Snapdragon |
Cardinal Flower | Lobelia | Summer Phlox |
Carolina Jessamine | Mandevilla | Texas Mt. Laurel Tree |
Cigar Plant | Mexican Bush Sage | Trumpet Creeper Vine |
Columbine (yellow & red) | Mexican Petunia | Turk’s Cap |
Coneflower | Mimosa | Verbena |
Coral Bells | Nicotiana | Veronica |
Cross Vine | Obedience Plant | Victoria Blue Salvia |
Cypress Vine | Passion Vine | Vitex Tree |
Dahlia | Pentas | Weigela |
Daylily | Penstemon (Beard tongue) | Wisteria |
Delphinium | Petunia | Yarrow |