For your edible garden, we have strawberries, a great variety of herbs, and early spring veggies such as beans, spinach, potatoes, onions, shallots, asparagus crowns, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, kale, and more. Plus we are expecting our first shipment of tomatoes by this weekend including Celebrity, SuperSweet 100, Cherokee Purple, and the 2017 Rodeo Tomato winner called Harris Moran 1823. HM 1823 is a relatively small determinate plant that finishes its foliage growth quickly and concentrates on setting fruit. That’s best for our area so tomatoes can set before the summer heat slows the process down…plus it’s disease resistant! Be sure to protect them from any upcoming cold snaps!
We also have a great selection of berries, grapes, pecan, citrus and other fruit trees. Go to the Edibles section of our Inventory List for varieties, sizes and prices, and see our Gardening Guide for helpful gardening tips and planting dates.