These wonderfully gigantic Agave Parrasanas keep stopping people in their tracks, which is why they’re Cody’s Plant Pick of the Week! These super-sized succulents are native to the Parras Mountains in Coahuila, Mexico and LOVE the sun, which makes them perfect for North Texas landscapes and xeriscapes. Also known as Cabbage Head Agave, they are crammed full of toothy, tightly-wrapped pale grey leaves, and maintain a round globe shape reminiscent of an Artichoke Agave. The Parrasana will slowly reach 2 feet tall and wide and can tolerate lots of soil types, even nutritionally deficient ones, so long as it has good drainage. Water sparingly once it’s established, occasionally prune dead leaves off the bottom, and cover them with frost cloth if winter temps approach 15 degrees. Check our online inventory here and come retrieve the newest member of your plant family! You won’t be able to stop lovingly staring at this low-maintenance beauty!