A: It’s September, so you should fertilize now! The fall feeding is the most important of the year; new growth in the spring is fueled by the food stored by your plants each fall, so it’s crucial the plants have what they need to do their best right now.
This is true of pretty much everything in the yard. Feed it all, and do it this month for the best results!
Lawns: Use our Covington’s Premium high-nitrogen, slow release lawn fertilizers to give your lawn the boost it needs. Feed the lawn at 20# per 4,000 square feet of lawn area. Sweep sidewalks and driveways before watering in.
Trees and Shrubs: For shrub areas, use 1 cup of our Covington’s Tree and Shrub fertilizer per 5′ x 5′ area of the bed (scatter evenly, don’t lump around specific plants). For established trees, use 1/2 cup of fertilizer per caliper inch of the tree, poked down just inside the drip line of the tree, evenly spaced.
Flowerbeds: Plant all new fall and winter flowers with a generous pinch of our Covington’s Flower and Garden fertilizer. Its 3 to 4 month formulation will give you steady nutrition into the colder weather. Top dress perennial bed areas with 1 level cup of the fertilizer per 5′ x 5′ area.
Certain plants, such as palms, azaleas, and roses, prefer specific fertilizers balanced for their individual needs. Feed them according to their particular preference.