As The Temps Start to Drop, Leaves Will Too!

Friendly Reminder: At this time of year, it is perfectly normal for your deciduous trees and shrubs to start looking a little rough. Don’t be alarmed if you notice browning, yellowing, or even minor pest damage—this is part of the natural process as they prepare to drop their leaves and go dormant for winter.

Hold off on any drastic measures like pruning or treating minor infestations. Instead, let the leaves fall naturally. Once spring arrives, you can resume your regular care routine, including fertilization and systemic insecticide treatments to prevent future issues. Treating with a systemic insecticide drench when the new leaves emerge next year can help tackle pest problems early on!

If you have any questions, we are happy to help! Call 972-475-5888, Ex. 2, and talk with any of our knowledgeable staff!