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POTHOS golden
POTHOS golden

Golden Pothos

Epipremnum aureum


SKU: 300155
4 in stock


4 in stock

The ‘Golden Pothos’ is one of the world’s best-selling plants, for a good reason! You can display these beautiful trellising plants in a hanging basket, or they will drape gracefully off of shelving. This plant is unbelievably low-maintenance, having popular reputation for being impossible to kill, which is why it is sometimes nicknamed devil’s ivy. ‘Golden Pothos’ is a great starter gift for new plant parents, as it can survive without much water and can thrive in darker parts of your home. Very little will kill this plant, even a few weeks without water or a dim room!

Light: Low indirect light.

Water: Let top half dry before watering.

  • 8' long
  • Low Light