Nico’s Plant Pick of the Week – Brakelights Red Yucca

Nico put it in reverse when he saw these brilliant Brakelights Red Yuccas, his Plant Pick of the Week! This very vermillion variety of red yucca is loved for its more vibrant color, and smaller size, maturing at only about 2 feet tall and wide (plumes will be 3 to 4 feet tall).  What’s even better is that the Brakelights very seldom sets seed pods, which means you get to enjoy those crimson blooms all spring and summer long!

Yuccas are perfect for water-wise and xeriscape gardens, as they need little water once established, and since they’re evergreen, you’ll have year-round visual interest. Plus they love the sun, which we have in abundance, so step on the gas and pick up some of these beauties! Check our yucca inventory here for sizes and prices of Brakelights and our other fantastic yucca varieties.