Ask Burton: Q: This week, rather than a question, we’re sharing a reminder about timely tasks…and one that’s already past time. Let’s see if we can fit it all in, preferably on a mild weather day!

• We still have customers coming to the nursery asking for pre-emergent herbicides, but it’s just too late for them to do much right now. Please apply your pre-emergent herbicides in February, May, and September for the best effect. In December, pre-emergent herbicides are not a good use of your money.
• Control of sprouted broadleafed weeds is best done with our ferti-lome Weed Free Zone during mild weather weeks, as this weed killer works down to 40 degree night temperatures.
• Feed flower plantings right now with Covington’s Flower & Garden Fertilizer or bone and blood meal. Steady nutrition keeps these looking their best during the winter weather.
• Clean up your landscape tools and oil them (WD-40 works fine), whether it be your pruners, lawnmower, or even the humble shovel. All of your tools will be better for not being put up covered in dirt and debris over the winter, as this encourages rust.
• Remove spent vegetables, flowers, etc.  if you haven’t already. It will neaten up the area to clean these out and put a fresh layer of mulch down.